A Response to NIST’s Post-Quantum Cryptography Adoption Challenges and Planning Requirements

In the April 2021 report published by NIST, Getting Ready for Post-Quantum Cryptography the standards body outlines the challenges associated with adopting and using PQC algorithms after the standardization process is complete – which is currently on pace for selection by the 2022-24 time frame. NIST warns another 5-15 more years will be needed after the publication of the cryptographic standards before a full transition is completed. 

This timing is problematic on three fronts: 

  • A quantum computer may be available before then.
  • There is no guarantee that the cryptographic standards selected will not be broken by adversaries or vulnerable to implementation errors. 
  • “Harvest today, decrypt tomorrow” attacks are happening now. 

Learn how Phio TX from Quantum Xchange address all of the PQC adoption challenges outlined by NIST and can be deployed today with very little lift or outlay. 

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