Quantum Xchange Named a PQC Innovator in Booz Allen Emerging Tech Report

Top 10 emerging technologies

In a time of escalating global tension, technological innovation provides an essential lever for both defense and deterrence. In the report, “Top 10 Emerging Technologies for the DOD and National Security,” Booz Allen experts explore 10 dual-use technologies – including Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) at #9 (pg. 60).

The report warns full implementation of NIST-standardized PQCs into critical networks and applications will take at least a decade. Given the pace of quantum computing advances, harvesting attacks, and the unpredictability of Y2Q, government agencies and organizations must act now.

Quantum Xchange is pleased to be included in the report as an emerging innovator, with solutions designed to assess your quantum readiness (CipherInsights) and deploy quantum-safe remediation (Phio TX).

Access the full report here or download the excerpt.

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