The Great Crypto Migration Needs a Strong Navigator

Replacing classic encryption with NIST-standardized Post Quantum Cryptography (PQC) will be a major undertaking affecting the data, systems, devices, and networks we rely on daily.

The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) has finalized three PQC standards. This is only the beginning of a multiyear cryptographic transition that is certain to be fraught with challenges, uncertainties, and unforeseen risks.

Quantum Xchange has the technologies, services, and expertise to conquer each phase of an organization’s crypto journey to quantum safety.

Our platform allows organizations to continuously monitor and manage cryptography risk in the enterprise, meet regulatory compliance requirements, and execute security policy to stay ahead of the evolving threat landscape – today and in the post-quantum future.


End-to-end crypto visibility and evaluation, via sensor-based monitoring, to catalog and prioritize cryptographic risk in the enterprise.


Ultra-secure, quantum-safe key delivery over any network to secure critical communications.


Holistic and continuous cryptographic management through policy and control.

Make Quantum Xchange your crypto companion for the long haul.

Quantum Servers
Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.

The PQC transition will be a major undertaking and require the largest, global cryptographic transition in the history of computing. If past is prologue, then the 20 years it took for the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to completely replace Data Encryption Standard (DES) and 3DES is a good indicator of what’s to come. And, unlike the other major migration project in recent memory, Y2K for example, the quantum threat doesn’t offer a “worst case scenario” date to prepare against.

Download our eBook “The Great Crypto Migration” to get crucial insights on PQC migration and how we can help your organization become NIST-standard ready.

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Experts Recommend Cryptographic Discovery as First Step in Post-Quantum Migration

As NIST works to standardize PQC algorithms by 2024, the agency is encouraging organizations to begin their quantum-safe migration now with cryptographic discovery and inventory.

See how CipherInsights from Quantum Xchange provides the necessary cryptographic discovery, risk assessment and audit trail to kickstart your post-quantum migration journey.

Download the Data Sheet

Our Contribution to The White House
PQC Roundtable

Part 1: When (and When Not) to Use Hybrid Encryption

As a participant in the White House Post Quantum Cryptography Roundtable held on Jan. 26, Quantum Xchange shared its expertise in a questionnaire completed by all participants. We share our responses in this three-part blog series.

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Part 2: Preparing for Post-Quantum Cryptography

Part two of the three-part series as invited participants at the White House Post Quantum Cryptography Roundtable held on Jan. 26, 2024. An excellent primer for agencies as they begin their migration to PQC.

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Part 3: The Cost of Post-Quantum Cryptography

The final post in our three-part series resulting from the White House Post Quantum Cryptography Roundtable held on Jan. 26, 2024.

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“We must prepare for it [the transition to a post-quantum encryption] now to protect the confidentiality of data that already exists today and remains sensitive in the future”

Alejandro Mayorkas, U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security
March 31, 2021

Failure to take any action now on your cryptographic transition is delaying the inevitable at a cost that could be far greater than imagined.

4.5 billion
internet users

200 million

$3 trillion of retail e-commerce annually

142 million VPN users in the U.S.

Consider these important risk factors when determining your organization’s PQC transition requirements:

  • There is no guarantee that the crypto standards selected will not be broken by adversaries or vulnerable to implementation errors.
  • A quantum computer may be available before full migration is complete.
  • “Harvest today, decrypt tomorrow” attacks are happening now.
  • Regardless of which math-based algorithm is standardized, the problem of sending keys and data together still exists.
  • Security upgrades can be disruptive and expensive, most want to avoid costly rip and replace scenarios or premature system obsolescence.
  • All math-based encryption standards have eventually been broken.
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“Businesses should act now. We know that foreign powers are already busy recording everything, and it is their plan, 10 years from now, to decrypt everything.”

Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google
Q2B 2020

Don’t Panic. Deploy Phio TX for Stronger Data Security Today and a Quantum-Safe Future.

Organizations should heed the advice of NIST Computer Security Division Chief Matthew Scholl,
“It’s no time to panic, it’s time to plan wisely.” 

Enterprise ready as a FIPS-validated implementation, Phio TX from Quantum Xchange can be deployed today with very little lift or outlay. Built for resiliency, the quantum-in-depth solution and next-generation key delivery architecture gives users the peace-of-mind knowing their network communications infrastructure and data links are stronger today and future-proof from quantum attack. 

“In a 5–10-year timeframe quantum computing will break encryption as we know it.”

Sundar Pichai, CEO of Alphabet and Google
DAVOS 2021

Phio TX does not require the replacement of existing algorithms, equipment, or network infrastructure.

Network performance or reliability is not degraded in any way.

It works over any TCP/IP connection or network media type to deliver quantum-enhanced keys on-demand, anywhere in the world.

If desired, customers can begin with PQC then eventually add QKD with no changes needed to the underlying infrastructure, no fiber required, and no limitations on key delivery.

Phio TX offers full accountability and auditability for both keys and data in motion. Users receive a complete view into when keys are exchanged between devices and how.

Investing in quantum-safe cyber defenses early will ensure you avoid the high cost of system obsolescence, immediately improve your overall cybersecurity posture, and demonstrate you are a security-forward organization with customer trust, business resiliency, and network stability top-of-mind.

Wanted: Quantum Change Agents Needed to Protect the Future of Data

If you’re a cybersecurity professional responsible for the security of data, it’s time to become a change agent within your organization. Improve your quantum literacy, set an organizational plan for quantum readiness, and take action!

Take this two-minute assessment to gauge your baseline quantum IQ and help set your organization on the path to quantum-safe data protection.

Are You Headed to San Francisco?

Book a meeting with our executive team while at #RSAC25 to learn more about quantum crypto-agility made easy, preview the Quantum Xchange product roadmap, or discuss partnership opportunities.

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