Invest in a Resilient Digital Future. Do Your Part, #BeQuantumSafe

March 14, 2023

The Biden White House has issued its National Cybersecurity Strategy. The document outlines five strategic pillars encouraging collaboration between the private and public sector to protect our digital ecosystem more effectively and to ensure a prosperous and brighter digital future for the nation and its closest allies.

The strategy includes objectives designed to properly fund and allocate resources towards cybersecurity practices that: “Are essential to the functioning of the economy, the operating of our critical infrastructure, the strength of our democracy and democratic institutions, the privacy of our data and communications, and our national defense.”

There’s a good deal of discussion on emerging trends, how the world is entering a new phase of deepening digital dependencies and the paradoxical nature of advanced computer systems and software providing never-before-seen value to companies and consumers while at the same time increasing our collective insecurity.

A Resilient Digital Future
Preparing our digital infrastructure for the post-quantum future is included as a strategic objective (4.3) under pillar four: invest in a resilient future. As the plan notes, “A resilient and flourishing digital future tomorrow begins with investments made today.”

The post-quantum recommendations included in section 4.3 are nothing we haven’t seen before. The White House issued National Security Memorandum 8 (NSM-8) in January 2022 which instructed federal agencies to use quantum-resistant algorithms within 180-days.

The Biden Administration then doubled down on quantum preparedness, issuing NSM-10 in May 2022. NSM-10 set a series of deadlines for government agencies to get their information systems quantum ready by establishing a process for the timely transition of the country’s cryptographic systems to quantum-resistant cryptography. Download our solutions brief to learn how to easily meet government mandates for quantum-safe encryption with Phio TX.

As Quantum Xchange points out in our infographic and all other outbound communications, the private sector should follow the government’s model in preparing its own networks and systems for the post-quantum future. We routinely use the hashtag #BeQuantumSafe – a moniker for beginning your organizational journey toward quantum safety, replacing legacy encryption with post-quantum cryptographic algorithms, and deploying a policy-driven platform like Phio TX that embraces crypto-agility, immediately diversifies risks, and establishes a crypto control plane to dynamically stack, switch, mix, deliver and manage quantum cryptography with no network interruptions or downtime.

Do your part to ensure a resilient, prosperous, and bright digital future. Contact Quantum Xchange today!

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