Congress Passes Bill to Accelerate Quantum Computing

Disclaimer: This post was written when Quantum Xchange was focused on building and selling the first quantum network in the U.S.

We have since pivoted our business and product offering, with the invention of Phio Trusted Xchange (TX), a first-of-its-kind quantum-safe, out-of-band key delivery system. While our technology offering can support QKD deployments, we are not a quantum communications provider or reseller. Our quantum-safe key exchange supports quantum keys generated from any source(QRNG or QKD) protected by any method (all PQC key encapsulation algorithms).

In a recent Forbes article, staff writer Alex Knapp explains a newly passed bill to accelerate quantum computing. This bill, passed by Congress, is aimed at accelerating development of quantum computing. The National Quantum Initiative Act enables the US to pursue coordinated strategies to expedite the new technology.

While quantum computing is in the early stages of development, the potential to transform industries like pharmaceuticals, logistics, and even supply chain planning will soon be a reality.  However, quantum computing also poses significant risks to security, as current encryption technologies could be easily broken by quantum computers. 

The bill offers a systemized approach to the federal governments’ support of quantum computing and plans to bring years of research to coordinated research centers that focus on quantum computing. This new legislation could boost the growing quantum computing industry and create a unified national strategy.

In addition, the bill directs the president to develop a 10-year plan and establish a National Quantum Coordination Office to provide a central point of contact for interagency efforts. The bill also coordinates with the National Science Foundation to provide more grants to support quantum research.

In support of this legislation, current players in the industry, like Quantum Xchange are on board to collaborate on research projects and help promote quantum technologies for the future of the US. With bipartisan support, politicians alongside quantum computing scientists are putting their heads together to make the US competitive on the world stage of encryption.

Read the complete article: Congress Just Passed A Bill To Accelerate Quantum Computing. Here’s What It Does


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