The Uncertainty of Cybersecurity

Disclaimer: This post was written when Quantum Xchange was focused on building and selling the first quantum network in the U.S.

We have since pivoted our business and product offering, with the invention of Phio Trusted Xchange (TX), a first-of-its-kind quantum-safe, out-of-band key delivery system. While our technology offering can support QKD deployments, we are not a quantum communications provider or reseller. Our quantum-safe key exchange supports quantum keys generated from any source(QRNG or QKD) protected by any method (all PQC key encapsulation algorithms).

With the nation’s security hanging in the balance, is it safe to rely on the current methods of encryption?  A recent executive order was issued on the topic of potential interference with election results.  The details are vague about what is actual interference and raises questions about the future of cyber security encryption.

CyberScoop Radio interviews John Prisco, CEO of Quantum Xchange on what to expect in the future of quantum computing.  He addresses the impeding crisis of secure communication.  While computers can solve difficult math problems with current encryption methods,  the law of quantum physics takes a scientific approach to data protection.

In the podcast, Prisco went on to say that stolen data is inevitable and it is important to take action now to protect it. Quantum encryption can provide timely protection now and well into the future.

Listen to the full podcast, Securiosity: The uncertainty principle


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