Quantum Xchange

Delivering the Future of Encryption

Quantum Xchange holds the key to protecting data and communications networks from known and yet-to-be-discovered threats. Our unique key delivery system and crypto-diverse management platform was built for resiliency, helping organizations execute effective cryptographic policy to stay ahead of the evolving threat landscape, advances in computing, and everyday cybersecurity risks.

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Why Act Now?

Because there’s too much at stake to wait.
The human factor is the main cause of data breaches today. Poor programming skills, lack of knowledge, software bugs, implementation errors, weak entropy sources all contribute to encryption vulnerabilities ready for exploit. These everyday cryptographic risks, rapid advancements in computing, and the impending arrival of quantum computers puts traditional public-key encryption (PKE) at risk of becoming obsolete.

A new approach is needed. One that embraces crypto-diversification and out-of-band key delivery.

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quantum security

Public Key Encryption (PKE) enables more than 4.5 BILLION internet users to securely access 200 MILLION websites and engage in $3 TRILLION of retail e-commerce annually and is vulnerable to future threats including quantum attack.

Cybercrime costs the U.S. economy $100 BILLION a year and costs the global economy $450 BILLION annually

The Great Crypto Migration

Practical steps and planning considerations for organizations as they embark on the greatest cryptographic transition in the history of computing — replacing classic encryption with NIST-backed PQCs.

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Future-proof the security of your data and communications networks.

Quantum Xchange’s crypto-diverse management system overcomes the single points of failure in cryptography to provide stronger data security today and quantum-safe protection from future threats.

Time to Diversify
Don’t fall victim to any one bug, flaw, leaked certificate, or PQC algorithm. Harden your crypto-infrastructure now and get a jump on the inevitable migration to PQC, easily and affordably, with Phio TX.

Any sound investor knows it’s best to diversify investments across multiple asset classes, geographies, and industries to mitigate risk, combat market uncertainties, and avoid a poor performing portfolio. This same diversified approach should be applied by enterprise infrastructure and risk teams when it comes to encryption. A diversified portfolio of current and post-quantum encryption technologies allows you to manage cryptographic stacks much like unreliable hardware stacks — redundancies at every level and an ability to apply policy through software quickly and decisively.

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CIO’s Guide for Implementing Quantum-Safe Key Delivery

Quantum Xchange has revamped its most popular thought-leadership asset, β€œCIO’s Guide for Implementing Quantum-Safe Key Delivery: Positioning Your Business for a Quantum-Secure Future.” This guide serves to inform CIOs on how best to keep their data protected, business resilient, and network infrastructure quantum-ready from both present-day vulnerabilities and the looming quantum threat.

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About Quantum Xchange

Quantum Xchange is a company of seasoned enterprise-security professionals excited about the future of the security industry and our contribution to it. We are the creators of a completely reimagined approach to data encryption and key delivery that brings an unsurpassed level of security today and quantum-safe protection from future threats.

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Securing the Future of Data


Partners in Preserving Our Digital World


Innovation Grounded in Security and Trust

As Seen In

Migration to Post-Quantum Cryptography

Watch Quantum Xchange's informative webinar on crypto discovery and other preparation considerations for the inevitable replacement of PKE with quantum-resistant cryptography.

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